Friday, December 12, 2008

Newest National Debt Statistics posted November 2008

Here are the newest National Debt statistics available for the month of November 2008 from

Debt held by the public (Dec. 11, 2008):

Intragovernmental holdings (Dec. 11, 2008):

Total Debt (Dec. 11, 2008):

Since Oct. 1, 2008 - the National Debt has increased:

In the month of November 2008, taxpayers shelled out:
$18,558,733,892.95 in interest payments.

Total amount paid in interest on the National Debt since the Oct. 1, 2008 beginning of the 2009 fiscal year: $37,543,039,529.24

Total amount paid in interest on the National Debt in fiscal year 2008: $451,154,049,950.63

Gifts to reduce the public debt, October 2008: $32,849.95
Gifts to reduce the public debt, Fiscal Year 2008: $2,189,358.89

If you don't like these numbers, we can change them. Call your Congressman at the Capitol Switchboard number (202)224-3121 and urge them to balance the federal budget. Bailouts won't fix the economy, balancing the federal budget will.

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National Debt Clock